

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finally, some time to write!

It's about midnight and the heartburn is a good reason to stay up and finally write in this blog page I've set up with much prompting my other fellow writers. It's a compromise for all the harrassing emails I get from friends and that MyfacePage social page everyone is on, but you can't access if you don't have an account yourself. I just don't have time to check that. The THREE email accounts I have keep me plenty busy. I did have a myspace account but it's been years since I was in it and now I don't remember the password. How do you shut that down without that info? Yikes... I had some cool pics I'd like to take down and keep for me. Maybe I will post em here. Quien sabe...

So, no Facebook for me. Sorry all.

It's been an interesting 6 months since I've been here in my new place, new home, new city. Seattle is beautiful and very wet.

I can say that ther are MANY Pho soup places and LOTS of green. Don't get me wrong; it's very beautiful, but different from the high desert I left. They each have their distinct beauty.

I can't wait till summer. It's supposed to be spectacular. Till then, I will try and write more frequently. In the meantime, send me your good energia and good restaurant suggestions!


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